Tuesday, January 7, 2014

What Happened to *Happy* new year?

They say only 2 things are certain in life. Death and taxes. I add a third, Change. Change Is certain, Change Is constant. Your whole life can change in the blink of an eye. I never really believed that until January 3.
I had just finished my shift of driving at around 3:30 a.m. and went to sleep in Oklahoma,  about 40 miles from Oklahoma City.
My husband Arthur got up at 6:30 and started his driving shift.
I awoke to a big bump and started muttering something about stupid potholes that are big enough to swallow an entire semi truck. The next moment, I am bouncing around like a rag doll all over the place.
My first conscious recollection after that was some one looking in the passenger door, which was where the roof ...should have been.  My left leg, twisted into a cabinet that was above my head and I am sitting facing the cutout for the sunroof that was never installed.
The windshield had to be busted to remove me from the wreckage on a flat board, complely strapped down and in a neck brace, like you see on the emergency TV shows.
My husband was able to walk away from the rollover because he was wearing his seatbelt.
All I can say is that we're lucky to be alive and no one else got injured or worse..

Later reports from the police says that the right side front steer tire busted a tie rod causing the truck to veer out of control and roll down an embankment on its drivers side.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy 2014

Well another year has come and gone. As I slide into this new year, hopefully things will be better for everyone.
I started my morning off witness to a very interesting show of nature.
Driving on Interstate 8 out of Yuma Arizona,  I was rounding the cutoff to Gila Bend. It was 12:01 a.m. When I seen a falling star shoot across the sky right in front of me. It was in flames and hit the ground to the side of the road not 500 feet from me in a puff of smoke and fire. I really wish that I could have ran across that wide open space and grabbed the meteorite and kept it. Would have made a heck of a necklace.
Alas that wasn't possible.
Stopping at the Love's truckstop in Gila Bend, I decided to make it another year of sharing and abandoning my art across the states. Spreading random acts of kindness and leaving love where I tread.
Left this bracelet spelling out the word love for a random person to find. The first of many many more to come.
I make posts about the drops on Instagram under the hash tag #artabandonmentproject and also occasionally to the Facebook group called Art Abandonment.
Looking forward to a year of many new things.  Universe be willing.