Tuesday, January 7, 2014

What Happened to *Happy* new year?

They say only 2 things are certain in life. Death and taxes. I add a third, Change. Change Is certain, Change Is constant. Your whole life can change in the blink of an eye. I never really believed that until January 3.
I had just finished my shift of driving at around 3:30 a.m. and went to sleep in Oklahoma,  about 40 miles from Oklahoma City.
My husband Arthur got up at 6:30 and started his driving shift.
I awoke to a big bump and started muttering something about stupid potholes that are big enough to swallow an entire semi truck. The next moment, I am bouncing around like a rag doll all over the place.
My first conscious recollection after that was some one looking in the passenger door, which was where the roof ...should have been.  My left leg, twisted into a cabinet that was above my head and I am sitting facing the cutout for the sunroof that was never installed.
The windshield had to be busted to remove me from the wreckage on a flat board, complely strapped down and in a neck brace, like you see on the emergency TV shows.
My husband was able to walk away from the rollover because he was wearing his seatbelt.
All I can say is that we're lucky to be alive and no one else got injured or worse..

Later reports from the police says that the right side front steer tire busted a tie rod causing the truck to veer out of control and roll down an embankment on its drivers side.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy 2014

Well another year has come and gone. As I slide into this new year, hopefully things will be better for everyone.
I started my morning off witness to a very interesting show of nature.
Driving on Interstate 8 out of Yuma Arizona,  I was rounding the cutoff to Gila Bend. It was 12:01 a.m. When I seen a falling star shoot across the sky right in front of me. It was in flames and hit the ground to the side of the road not 500 feet from me in a puff of smoke and fire. I really wish that I could have ran across that wide open space and grabbed the meteorite and kept it. Would have made a heck of a necklace.
Alas that wasn't possible.
Stopping at the Love's truckstop in Gila Bend, I decided to make it another year of sharing and abandoning my art across the states. Spreading random acts of kindness and leaving love where I tread.
Left this bracelet spelling out the word love for a random person to find. The first of many many more to come.
I make posts about the drops on Instagram under the hash tag #artabandonmentproject and also occasionally to the Facebook group called Art Abandonment.
Looking forward to a year of many new things.  Universe be willing.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Love makes the world go Round

A new project I am embarking upon, love makes the world go round.
A part of my art abandonment,  part of my desire to share my talent with the world, and finally, a way to perhaps brighten a complete stranger's day. Letting them know that some one,  somewhere out there cares.
Starting today and continueing until the end of the year, I will be leaving these bracelets and others in various places along my routes. Every trip that I am on the road, from 1 to 3 will be abandoned with a simple note or card of mine. A link to this blog, and the Art Abandonment Facebook group giving the finder a chance to read this or leave comments if they wish.
All of the bracelets will spell out the word *love* and be done in copper, brass, german silver, and even in silver filled.
This is my way of giving back to the world. Sharing the one thing I have in abundance, the one thing I will never run out of. My creativity, my talent.


Friday, July 26, 2013

Some things have a mind of their own.

Funny how stones can talk to us. I am person super sensitive to vibrations around me, in people and places and objects. Maybe thats why I gavitate to certain stones more than others. All part of the subtle creative nature of my soul.
Sometimes when im in the process of making a piece of jewelry, I just know that its going to be one that I sell or one that I'll give away.
I made one such ring just recently.  One of my best pieces, complete with a Herkimer diamond and a nice citrine stone woven into it. Upon wearing the ring though,  it just didnt seem to feel like it was mine. Id put it on..then unconsciously remove it and place it in my pocket.
Tonight It found its way to where it belonged. A nice clerk in a truckstop in ohio started speaking to me about rings and things. I reached into my pocket to pay for my coffee and there was my ring  with a feeling that it wanted to go to her.
So I did. I gave it to her, smiled and said.."for you". She got watery eyed, gave me a big hug and said thank you. I quietly ducked back outside to my truck while she was tending to another customer.
Art Abandonment with a voice of its own on where it wants to be.

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Art Abandonment

For years now I have been making wire wrap jewelry. Just as long, I often give pieces away to random strangers or leave rings and bracelets ive made in truck stop bathrooms, rest areas and even along with my tip at restraunts. Its a way of practicing random acts of kindness. Ive gotten comments from other artists who think im nuts for doing it and others who say its awesome.
One time I remember we were headed thru ohio on the turnpike. It was 3am and I was inside playing with a ring and leaching McDonald's wifi. I took an entire bag of more than 3 dozen  bracelets and went inthe womens restroom and placed one on the roll holder of each clean stall.
Another time it was new years day and I left my first 2 pieces of the year in the drivers lounge of a truckstop in Arkansas where we were waiting on layover for our delivery appt the next day.
Well seems I'm not the only one who does this. Came across a group on Facebook. Called art abandonment.  Cant wait to start posting more pics and stories of my creations travels lol.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Grandma? Who, me?

I never like to admit my age. Never have, probally never will. The comments I get when I tell people I have 8 children are usually gasps, shocked expressions and the like.
So I now have a very super cute grandson, Zion.
Ahh, how to get by without the mention of the G~word, I do not know.
He's adorable enough to have me admitting my age....almost...

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Super Simple Toe Ring Tutorial

Ok, this here post is for Femiology.
How to make a cute toe ring, Dress up those bare summer sandal feet.
Step 1
You really only need one tool for this and its available at most Walmarts for about 5$.  Its a 3 in 1 tool with wire cutter, flat surface, and rounded ends

There are many different types, sizes, and colors of this available. What I recommend for this project is either colored and coated copper or aluminum craft wire. It comes in several different gauges. You will want one that is 16. It's sturdy enough to walk around with on your toes.
Makeup tube.
What's makeup got to do with jewelry you say? Lol
Choose a tube of mascara, liner pencil or some other cylindric item that is about as thick around as the size of the toe/finger that the ring is being made for.
Gotta know how much wire you'll need.
Gather together all the items above.
Step 2
Cut an 8 inch length of the wire.
Holding the makeup tube, place the wire on the tube with about an inch sticking out and hold it with your thumb.
Wrap the wire around the tube twice, still holding it in place with your thumb, pulling tight.
You now have a coil. Remove coil from the tube.

Place coil on the ruler, and measure 1 inch on each side. Cut any extra wire off of the ends.

Using the tips of the tool, grab the wire on one end and begin to curl it into a loop. Do a complete loop and being it around as shown.
Repeat the process on the other end.

Finally, bend both loops down just a little bit with finger.
And Voila~
You now have a nice little ring that will look great on fingers or toes.